If you are looking to build an agency, we should talk! I have countless recruits requesting a home daily that I can feed to you!

Agency Builder Inner Circle

Included in the $97 Per Month Subscription!

(Cancel Anytime)

Full Builder Training and Tools

A step-by-step builder training system and different resources that are helpful when building an agency.

Financial and Report Training

The right way to build a stable agency is to know how your business is performing. We will provide you some ideas and tips on doing this for your business.

Weekly Builder Call - Wednesday's at 9am

We are going to show you how to manage your agency which will lower chargebacks and debt rolls. We also provide a ton of recruiting training to help you lock down more recruits, but also filter out the wrong recruits.

My Recruiting Blueprint + Snapshot

This will allow you to keep your recruits organized to stop quality recruits from falling through the cracks!

1 on 1 Coaching Call to Create a Building Game Plan

It is important to have a solid plan when recruiting. I have helped several managers come up with a plan like this. I will then help you with a strategy to execute your plan.

Invite to All Face to Face Builder Trainings

We get together as a team to recruit, train and just share ideas several times a year. You will get an invitation to join any of these events at no cost to you.

'Beast Mode' Agency Builder Inner Circle

Email for QUOTE

Complete Audited Monthly Financials

Complete breakdown of financials by first year, renewals, chargebacks, etc.

Complete breakdown of financials by carrier.

Complete breakdown of financials by agent.

Ability to use this to lower chargebacks and debt rolls.

Much easier to sell your company in the future.

Beast Mode Blueprint + Snapshot

A complete automated system for staying in touch with your recruits.

"Unlimited" Recruiting Leads and Appointments

Done for you recruiting system.

Calendar filled with recruits on your open time slots.

You pick the profile that you are looking for. Certain areas, licensed or not, full or part time, etc.

CRM built for you. This includes automation, checklists, etc. to make your system much smoother.

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

Do you give me recruits?

The Builder Program is not a program that is designed to give you recruits, but it can still happen. We get so many requests that we do have to pass them out from time to time. If you work with us, and you sign up, you DO get recruits!

The "Beast Mode" Package is designed to give you recruits. You will have a full schedule of recruit appointments each day you have set as "recruiting".

Can I recruit agents and have them sign up for your Inner Circle?

Absolutely you can! Reach out to us after you sign up and we will send you an Affiliate Link! It allows someone to get into building without having to design a system, tools, training, etc.

How much does the "Beast Mode" package cost?

I hate when people have "Email for Quote" more than you know! In this case, it is required due to each situation being different. Are you looking to have 2 recruit calls per week or 100 per week? For financials, do you use 5 carriers or 25? Agents we will be tracking commissions on could be 7 or it could be 700.

The good news is the conversation will be easy. You click "Email for Quote" and then I will personally reach out to you to see what you are trying to accomplish. If I do not feel like we could help serve you, I will let you know that.

Do I have to join your company to utilize these services?

Not at all! You get to stay where you are at (as long as you are happy there) and just have access to the things you may be missing.


Step 1: Click the "Join Now" button anywhere on this page.

Step 2: Signup For My Inner Circle.

Step 3: We'll send you your login details (and bonuses) in an email immediately.

Sounds simple right? It's really that easy.

If you're ready to start earning $10-20k per month selling Final Expense, ENROLL now!

Address: 508 S METCALF RD, LOUISBURG KS 66053

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*Earnings and income representations made by Ben Boman, Longhorn Holdings, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, “LONGHORN HOLDINGS”) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.

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